We have got 3 computers-the first one is desktop on windows XP,second one is laptop with windows XP %26 third one is also a laptop with windows Vista.We have only one broadband connection. now,we want to share the said internet connection by all three computers with help of D-Link wireless router and CCProxy, by creating Local Area network.
Step by step method of sharing a broadband internet connection for 3 computers( two on XP, another on Vista)?free antivirus download
Very possible with everything you currently have. A lot of questions exist however; do your laptops have built in wireless or do you need to purchase wireless adapters? Where is the wireless router in proximity to your desktop PC? I'm assuming you currently have the desktop connected directly at this point and that this will be the case once the laptops are networked? Security is another factor - you'll want to start out right so hopefully the D-link is WPA compatable and ideally is a wireless N unit to take advantage of the higher broadband throughput available these days. Right now it sounds very likely that you just need to setup the laptops to find the wireless network and connect in with a preshared key that was probably already established and simply forgotten.
Step by step method of sharing a broadband internet connection for 3 computers( two on XP, another on Vista)?internet security
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