Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Can a firewall report tell me the sites the computers on my network are going to?

My boss wants a report of which computers are visiting which websites. They don't want to use the history in Explorer because our ''brighter'' employees know to delete their history and cookies. The boss wants to know who is going to non-work related sites during business hours.

Can a firewall report tell me the sites the computers on my network are going to?computer security

Can a firewall report tell me the sites the computers on my network are going to?free spyware remobal

U can use any network monitoring tools for this job. Ur office can even filter and block any specific web site.

Ya I'm not sure exactly where to look. But depending on the hardware/software your company uses your administrator/s should always be logging this type of traffic so it can be referenced later for whatever reasons.
Try websense.. search on the net.. complete employee control. you can be a slave driver!

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